There are many cat teepees on the market today and they are just lovely. One Sunday I got the urge to make a cat teepee…
1 in 4 households in Switzerland have cats which make them the nation’s favorite pet. The Swiss culture firmly believes that cats should have access…
Cornelius came into my life when he was 5 months old. He was living with a family who discovered their daughter developed cat allergies and…
As a follow up to my last post Should I Breed my cat? I wanted to interview an experienced respectable breeder. I’m very grateful to…
When I got my kitten Elizabeth, people often asked me, “Oh will you breed her with Cornelius?” I quickly respond with, “Of course not.” Besides…
And I broke my phone, frustrating but manageable. After years of owning iPhones I have never used a case. I don’t know why, it…
I’ve shared in previous posts that Cornelius would refuse to eat any chunks of muscle meat. He would only eat the ground food and if…
As much as I love cats, especially long haired Persian cats. I hate having cat hair in my home on my things. Contradictory I know.…
I was tagged by Anne from Whiskers to Paws to post 8 photos of happiness. I love spreading positivity and gratitude. There are so many…
August 1st is the Swiss National Day. In honor of this little country I now call home, I will share with you some special Swiss…