This year’s Christmas gifts for the cats were quite simple but still super valuable cat products.
Burt’s Bees for Cats Waterless Shampoo

Last year I bought the Burt’s Bees wipes and I loved them. I love this spray even more. It is such an easier way to refresh their hair and make it shiny and smell good. With all natural ingredients designed for cats. For under $10 it’s perfect and you can get more use out of it than the pre-moistened wipes.
Silicone Waterproof Pet Food Mat

I’ve been using a similar silicone foot mat for awhile which is a must in my home. But I realized I wanted a larger size. Scrubing cat food out of the cracks in the tile is an annoying task. I got the largest size which will save me so much time when cleaning the floors. This one is made by Amazon basics and is the largest size 24×16 inches and for only $16 it is a steal.
Bergan Turbo Scratcher Replacement Pads

I repurchase these replacement pads over and over. Such a classic and likable toy and scratcher. This year I purchased 4 of these as I know they will be well needed.
Smarty Kat Batty Birdie

This little toy is made of concentrated catnip. Both Cornelius and Elizabeth love catnip so for around $4, I couldn’t resist. I was surprised by how heavy it is but both cats love chasing this birdie around the house. They are both attracted by catnip toys so this is perfect for them.
Plastic Spring Toy

I felt a bit silly buying these plastic springs. But I had heard people rave about them as cat toys and I suspected Elizabeth would love them. I don’t know what it is exactly about them but she goes crazy. Every couple days I have to dig them all out from their hiding spaces so she can play with them again.
What did you get your cats for Christmas? I’d love to hear, let me know in the commets!
You can see more of our favorite cat products on our Shop our Favorites page.
Happy New Year to you all!
Well, let’s put it this way, I gave my youngster Jupiter a lid from one of my face creams a few days ago and he has not stopped playing with it ever since (with me constantly having to retrieve it from under the sofa and cupboards LOL). Suffice to say, who needs proper cat Christmas pressies? ;)
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I would like to know how to what sort of netting was used for the DIY cat balcony shelving?
I used coconut rope to do the weave. You could also use other natural ropes such as sisal rope. You can buy from any home improvement or garden store or on amazon. Do you plan on making something similar? Thanks for visiting :-) ❤️
Sorry about that I meant what wiring you used to surround the tower:)
It isn’t wiring it is a strong nylon netting used to keep birds out and cats in :-) The other barrier you see is just for privacy from neighbors, but the netting is what keeps the cats safe and inside.
those springs are a HUGE hit in our household too! Best toy ever! Happy New Year!
It’s amazing! I don’t quite understand attraction but they love them. The only problem is have to remove them from under furniture each day.
Lucky kitties, all nice gifts. Happy New Year!
Thank you! Happy New Year to you too!
Since she is new we got her a collar. Some of those balls with the bells in them and catnip mice. My in-laws also got her a mouse ball toy and treats. Since we are working on transitioning from outdoor to indoor the treats really come in handy. We shake the bag and as soon as she is inside she gets a treat.
Excellent! Yes treats are necessary for training like that. How is she doing with the transition to indoors? Will she stay an indoor/outdoor cat?
The goal is to be indoor fully. It is a really sticky situation right now so that’s why she is currently indoor/outdoor.
Lucky kitties. I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t get my kitties anything. Maybe it’s my aversion to holidays – but I tell people it’s because, as blogging cats, we get more than we could ever use. I’ve made quite sizable donations of left0ver products – and by being part of Chewy’s Influencer program, we get more wet food than my kitties could ever eat. Happy New Year!